A Proven System

A Proven System
There’s a lot of buzz right now around LED—Light Emitting Diode. Most people think that as long as you buy LED—any LED light source—you’re guaranteed the best and most efficient lighting possible. But after four decades of researching and engineering all of the elements needed for proper lighting, we know that’s not true. It takes a proven system, designed to work together, to make the most of any light source to assure the designed lighting gets in place and stays there over the life of the system. LED is no different.
Still 5 Easy Pieces®
While many continue to focus solely on building light fixtures—which is what we did 40 years ago—our Light-Structure System™ with 5 Easy Pieces® is designed and engineered so that lighting, structural, and electrical elements work together for superior overall performance.
Why It Matters
For you this means a system that gets the job done, built with rugged reliability and offering streamlined installation, trouble-free operation, and long-term reliability. And we back it with a 25-year parts and labor warranty—so when it comes to maintenance you won’t touch it, and you won’t pay for it.
System Build Animation